How did we get here that after 5780 years of uninterrupted communal prayer and the transmission of the Torah in group in-person learning, Torah study and prayer that connected humanity with the G-d of abundance and brought His presence into this world, rabbis the world over were suddenly gripped with a simultaneous rush to shut their doors?
Only an extremely clever organization, public health, could convince the rabbis to dismantle Judaism all the while persuaded that they were following the highest ideals of Torah.
As soon as the rabbis were bullied into setting aside their beliefs, then the churches, mosques and all religious institutions were closed. And, then all schools and then all businesses. And then the requirements morphed into masks, and human avoidance and family separation and more bizarre requirements.
A war of public health is gripping the world. All prior religious organizations are being subjugated to the iron rule and bullying of the public health authorities and thousands of doctors who are trained and financially supported by the public health agencies. Their goal – public health which is not about individual health but rather about reaching certain statistical markers in the name of public health. All is sacrificed to the name of public health.
But even after rushing to comply, the bullying of the public health authorities only increases and Jewish organizations are required to pledge allegiance to the public health ideology.
The choice is between the G-d of abundance and the cult of scarcity.
It is the cult of scarcity that births the ideology of public health.
Whereas the G-d of abundance treasures the primacy of human life, the cult of scarcity always points to humanity as the problem.
Our purpose is to point you and your family to the G-d of abundance. After years of hearing that there is not enough time, love, money, water, air, space, oil, ozone, and on and on, you can ask all your questions here.
Even if you have knowingly or unknowingly spent your time and energy advancing the cult of scarcity, you can choose the G-d of abundance with one thought, one insight, one realization. And the G-d of abundance will more than make up for it.
Here is the original letter. It is followed by a glossary for those that are not familiar with the transliterated Hebrew terms.