- Why testing is the real trap – Part 1
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 6
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 7
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 4
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 3
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 5
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 8
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 2
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 9
- Why testing is the real trap – Part 10 – Finale

Contrary to popular beliefs vaccines are not the key to control. Vaccines are just one of many things public health can force upon those under its control.1Why testing is the real trap is the Second Section in a series pointing out the real public health agenda lost in the near exclusive focus on the GCI. Why testing is the real trap will be published in a number of parts.
How does public health get the control in the first place? Through testing.
Testing creates the public health ‘crisis’ that demands a public health ‘response’
It is only through testing that there are numbers to reports of “cases” and “deaths”. The testing creates the pandemic. Without testing there is nothing.
Bill Gates identifies testing as the cornerstone of the public health takeover.
“It begins with testing. We can’t defeat an enemy if we don’t know where it is.”2https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/23/bill-gates-here-are-innovations-we-need-reopen-economy/ While Gates is writing an article stating the requirements he has defined for people to be allowed to make a living and gather and move, in typical double-speak, his writing actually identifies that the crisis itself begins with testing and creates the appearance of an enemy. For without testing we wouldn’t even know there was an enemy.
Testing is the foundation for a program to eliminate the unhealthy
Public health does not seek to eliminate disease. It seeks to eliminate the unhealthy. The unhealthy individual is a threat to the hygenic “productive people only” world that public health builds.
How will this be accomplished:
“We need to be testing enough people that we can quickly detect emerging hotspots.”3https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/23/bill-gates-here-are-innovations-we-need-reopen-economy/
– Bill Gates
Hotspot means an ‘unhealthy’ and, therefore, unproductive individual. The earlier the individual is identified the more rapidly that individual can be isolated and the threat neutralized.
That ‘hotspot’ individual poses a threat not only to his own productivity but to the productivity of others. The response to ‘unhealth’ is now established to be lockdowns – i.e. the total cessation of productivity by everyone – then the ‘ill’ individual, left un-neutralized, threatens the entire society and economy and risks triggering a global and complete state of unproductivity!4The Gates’, in announcing the end of their marriage, celebrated on Twitter that they had “built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy productive lives.” May 3, 2021. Productive is the benchmark of lives as measured by the Gates and others of similar views.
So, testing is the cornerstone.
There are deeper permanent changes wrought by testing, which we will cover next time.
- 1Why testing is the real trap is the Second Section in a series pointing out the real public health agenda lost in the near exclusive focus on the GCI. Why testing is the real trap will be published in a number of parts.
- 2https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/23/bill-gates-here-are-innovations-we-need-reopen-economy/ While Gates is writing an article stating the requirements he has defined for people to be allowed to make a living and gather and move, in typical double-speak, his writing actually identifies that the crisis itself begins with testing and creates the appearance of an enemy. For without testing we wouldn’t even know there was an enemy.
- 3
- 4The Gates’, in announcing the end of their marriage, celebrated on Twitter that they had “built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy productive lives.” May 3, 2021. Productive is the benchmark of lives as measured by the Gates and others of similar views.
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