G-d Almighty’s first command is to be fruitful and multiply because this is His vision for the world – a world teeming with beautiful human beings (Genesis 1:28, 9:1, 9:7, 35:11).
To conceive a child in the most spiritually focused way, the Torah guides the Jewish family to enhance the command to be fruitful and multiply with the woman’s ritual immersion in a mikvah preceding the reunification of husband and wife.
For those of you who don’t know, a mikvah is a collection of spring or rain water for immersion.
Building a Mikva is the highest priority in a Jewish community taking precedence over building a synagogue.
The cult of scarcity has always sought to interfere with and block the use of the Mikva because it is the core of the survival and growth of the Jewish People.
Tragically, the cult of scarcity has succeeded in hijacking some rabbis under the guise of public health to declare that a woman’s “health status” per the CDC can be used to bar her use of the mikvah. Blocked immersions means missed pregnancies, a convenient consequence for those who say the world population is too high, G-d forbid.
The attached letter and statement explain why this is unacceptable and what needs to be done about it.
If you are not Jewish and reading this, understand what is going on because it will come to affect you and you have the tremendous merit to help protect the Mikva from public health decrees in your communities.
Did public health policy hinder your ability to access or use a Mikva at this time? In order to better understand which mikvas were interfered with and by whom, an anonymous form is available to report on the use of public health to interfere with mikvas.
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