We are emerging from a world where we relied on other people to make decisions for us.
It was cozy and comfortable. And then in March we woke up to see that the people we relied on were really relying on other people to make decisions for them! And they on others. And then life didn’t look normal anymore.
And so we started to scramble for who could replace the people that we relied on previously. But even the people who knew what was right and what was wrong were afraid to speak up.
I’d like to suggest that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. A time in history where G-d Almighty wants each one of us to have the insight to make the right decision in every situation.
Can that really be? Yes, if we ground ourselves the reality that there is nothing other than G-d Almighty, and we follow the 6 simple steps, we can always reach the right decision.
I encourage you to read the following essay which takes you through these steps. I apologize if a lot of the terminology has not yet been fully translated and explained but as you can see the glossary has not been completed.
Now I know a lot of people don’t like reading long documents so a 39 page document may seem daunting. So the Vaad prepared a summary, but that came to 18 pages. So I delivered a short presentation, which you can watch here.
What can I do if providing clear information that most people, even those educated in Yeshivas, never had clearly laid out for them in a consistent way, takes a while to explain. It’s like a portion of 15 to 30 years of education condensed into 39 pages.
(And even if you read the entire 39 page document, the 18 page summary has many additional points that are worth reading, too.)
While I did have input in these documents, full credit goes to the ועד להצלת העם ואנושיות (The Rabbinical Committee for Saving the Jewish People and Humanity).
So here are the links:
How can we make good decisions in times of uncertainty (r1) – ועד להצלת העם ואנושיות
Key take aways for how to make good decisions in times of uncertainty (r1) – ועד להצלת העם ואנושיות
YouTube Video Making good decisions in all times and all places.
Before watching the video I encourage you to review these definitions. During the video you can follow along with these sources. (מראה מקומות)
And remember prayer works, say Psalms 21, 22, 69, 150.
Please report any newsworthy items to pcnewsupdate@gmail.com. Questions, encouragement and complaints to passaicclarity@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
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