I thought I would share with you what I just sent out to my law firm clients:
Supreme Court Fails to Uphold the Constitution
Behind the headlines: The R C Diocese/Aguda Decision deciphered.
It looks like a victory. But in reality it is a stunning blow to the Constitution.
The headlines declare a victory for religious rights – BUT. The Supreme Court simply deferred to the power of the government to restrict liberties. It only said that restrictions on religious organizations cannot be greater than on other parts of the economy.
The real result: the Supreme Court said it is OK for the government to restrict Constitutional rights – so long as they do it equally to all sectors.
The Supreme Court abdicated its responsibility to uphold the Constitution by challenging the Executive Branch. They state “We are not public health experts, and we should respect [read “abdicate to”] the judgment of those [in the Executive Branch] with special expertise and responsibility in this area.” In other words, “experts” have more power than the Constitution.
And it gets even more frightening. On page 3 of the Decision, the Court tacitly endorses the grading of citizens as “essential” or “non-essential,”accepting the government’s right to control people and their activities in making a living and providing for their families.
This is absolutely unacceptable.
We as citizens must fight back even harder against the growing tyranny of “experts” and “government knows best.” We must bring our government and our judiciary back to honoring our Constitution, the fundamental law of our land – before we lose it completely.
For more details on this disastrous development in the snuffing out of our rights (or at least the attempt), read my in-depth analysis HERE.
But you might ask, why are so many reporting this case as a victory? As one noted author wrote in response to my analysis: Excellent and complete analysis. Conservatives are so easy to fool when the court throws them a pittance of a bone.
Remember prayer works, say Psalms 21, 22, 69, 150.
Report any newsworthy items to pcnewsupdate@gmail.com. Questions, encouragement and complaints to passaicclarity@gmail.com.
Analysis of the Archdiocese/Agudath Israel(“Aguda”)
United States Supreme Court Decision
Thank you.
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith |
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